Project Background:
Kavre district is one of the most affected district due to earthquake in 25th April, 2016 and aftershocks thereafter. Most of the rural homes badly damaged and people were forced to live in tents. 91% of houses destroyed, 318 human casualties, and 548 of 594 government schools destroyed, several water supply system damaged, and household latrines collapsed and people were in high risk from water borne diseases and unhygienic practices. In the project VDC i.e. Kharelthok, Jyamdi and Koshidekha VDC almost 80% people did not have access to supply of clean and adequate drinking water. Due to damage in more than 85% of the community latrine people were practicing Open Defecation. These VDCs were in the pipeline to be declared as ODF but due to earthquake the process halted with more latrines to be constructed. From the proposed project, households from Kharelthok, Koshidekha and Jyamdi VDCs are expected to directly benefit through rehabilitation and construction of eight water supply system. The project aims to support for the construction of 850 improved latrines so that majority of the people have access to user-friendly sanitation facilities. Similarly, inclusive WASH facilities will be established in community and school, VDC and health post. In addition, the networking among WSUCs, capacity building of local government body especially VWASHCC/ DWASHCC, developing local resource persons (masons, hygiene promoters, motivators) in the sector, integrating DRR in WASH activities and aligning with government priorities will help to sustain the outcomes of the intervention.
water supply systems constructed
household latrines improved
VDC declared as ODF
schools/institution have CGD friendly latrines
local mason trained on disaster resilient building
resource persons trained for hygiene promotion
Total Beneficiaries
Water: 5024+3135
Sanitation: 5487+2100
Hygiene: 6596+3135
Target latrines: 850 hhs+400 hhs
Specific Outputs
- 8 water supply systems rehabilitated/constructed
- At least 1250 household latrines improved
- 3 VDC declared as ODF
- 1 DWASHCC, 3 VWASHCC, 8 WSUC capacitated for effective WASH services
- 3 VDC have WASH plan
- 7 schools/institution have Child, Gender and Disability (CGD) friendly latrines
- 72 local mason trained on disaster resilient structure building
- At least 36 local resource persons trained for hygiene promotion
- DRR mainstreamed into WASH plan
- At least 7 school prepare school WASH plan