Project Background:
This project has been working in 6 VDCs of Humla and Mugu district whereas it has been working in district level in Kalikot related to DRR/CCA.
The project is based on the experience and lessons from previous project funded by DMCDD: Adaptive Livelihood in Action (ALA), for 18 months. Despite positive results observed under ALA project duration, to achieve sustainable changes among CSO and local authorities to address climate change and natural hazards, AFFIRM project proposed and has been working from September 2014 to October 2016 and been extended till March 2017. To make the advocacy effective, louder and strong enough to be heard by local authorities, KIRDARC acts as secretariat of Alliance for Disaster and Climate Resilience (ADCR) in each three working districts. All these actions were performed with a strong focus on inclusion to bring the most vulnerable such as the women, the Dalit and the people with disabilities at the center of the process similarly Local Disaster Management Committees (LDMCs) formed in previous project helps to develop disaster risk management plans, and supporting 3 districts authorities to develop inclusive District Disaster Response and Preparedness Plan.
WDAGs members, LDRMC members, ADCR WCF, DDRC members and CSOs trained and make them able to during the project for safe and better livelihood.
Health Posts Construction
Total Beneficiaries
- LDRMCs : 218
- WDAGs : 430
- ADCR : 22 members
Specific Outputs
- Advocacy:
- A revised training package ready-to-use and available in KIRDARC resource center,
- 500 persons trained on inclusive and gender-sensitive DRR and CCA
- 3 districts advocacy plans produced and implemented.
- 3 districts authorities commit to incorporate DRR and CCA in local development planning process.
- Thematic Competency:
Better knowledge on discriminative practices and barriers towards women for their participation and contribution in DRR and CCA process.
30 government staff trained on inclusive DRR and CCA planning
A report on evidence-based achievement of district and VDC authorities in implementation of plan and allocation of resources
- Organizational Capacity:
At least 10 (4 from central level and 6 from district level) staffs of KIRDARC trained on inclusive DRR and CCA model.
A data collection and monitoring mechanism is installed within KIRDARC Knowledge Management System
Profile of KIRDARC in DRR and CCA increased at national level